Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cartoon Wedding Invitations | Getting Married Is Supposed To Be Fun

Cartoon wedding invitations are a fun twist on traditional formal wedding invitations. Let's face it, no matter how much money people spend on their wedding invitations, very rarely do you receive one that truly captures your attention. They all kind of look the same despite any effort to make them unique. This isn't the case with cartoon wedding invitations. Each wedding invitation is totally unique to the individual couple. These invitations are often creative and individual expressions of the couple's personality. You can provide all the detailed information a wedding invitation requires but the clever presentation will catch the eye of everyone!

Your cartoon wedding invitations can include your favorite cartoon or comic book characters, perhaps dressed in full wedding apparel to represent you and your significant other. Another idea is to set it up like a newspaper comic, a four panel cartoon, informing people of your wedding date. You may also decide to have an illustrator create caricatures of the two of you for the enjoyment of friends and family. The caricature portrait could display the two of you in funny situations or poses. An exaggerated caricature portrait may be something that wedding guests would likely keep in a scrapbook to remember the event and laugh at your colorful and clever wedding invitation.
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