Friday, July 1, 2011

Wedding Places | Wedding Planner

Before doing anything, make a "wedding planner." This was literally the best thing I did and saved me without problems and allowed me to have a beautiful and stress free wedding day. There are all kinds of beautiful wedding planners before the disposal, but I recommend making your own. Get a 3-ring binder and a notebook. The title of the paper for each month until the wedding. During the last month, make a separate page for each week. During the last week, make a separate page for each day.

As you are thinking about the 1001 things to do before the big day, instead of letting overwhelm you, write it on your wedding planner on the appropriate page you would like to have this issue resolved, done, or care . Use these lists monthly, weekly and daily to help stay the course. As items are completed, cross off your list. If something is not done one month, move to the next month.

In my wedding planner, not only had a whole section with these lists, but I kept everything to the big day. There was a section for receipts (I put some plastic bags to keep these in), a section that lists all those involved in the wedding (so no one misses in the program), and tissue samples (at that could match the dresses, flowers and decoration). Another section lists all the guests from out of town, where they were staying when they came, and if necessary transport.
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