For an indoor reception, there are still many ways to take advantage of the traditions of the season. You might consider a traditional feast or reception room with dark wood accents and furniture. A beautiful fireplace is always an appropriate choice for weddings fall too.
What kind of colors and decorations are appropriate for a wedding reception in the fall?
There are no hard and fast rule, but many people choose to use traditional cafés, red, bright yellow, orange and tan tones of his palette of colors in the wedding reception. These colors evoke a sense of festive and remind people of the holiday season. Traditional Christmas decorations such as pumpkins, squashes and pumpkins can make great ideas central. Consider placing cornucopias around tables of food service.
In addition to the colors and place settings, you can add a touch of scent in the air. Potpourri, candles scented with cloves or cinnamon, or even a steaming bowl of cider can be added to the general atmosphere of a wedding reception in the fall.